Monday, 30 September 2024

The business of caring.

Whoa!! My mother is 88! I still can’t believe it. Once upon a time, when she was 69, I thought that was old. (Forgive me, all 69 years old people out there.) In my know-it-allness, I wrote:

For quite a while I been seeing li’l signs of age coming on in she. These signs does scratch like a long-claw creature at me window in the night, wanting to creep in. I does get impatient, and I does push she to be aware, be conscious, pay attention. But now and then I does wake and see that me impatience is wearing a mask, and behind the mask, it is really fear stalking me. I witnessing a strong woman becoming a li’l fragile with the years.

So we trundle along, she age-ing, me fear-ing. I want to grab the steering wheel from she so that I ain’t got to worry when she drive into town alone. But I know that taking away a person independence is the worst thing to do. Besides, she gon put up such a fight I gon be the one huffing and puffing on the floor.

I decide that, today, rather than quiver with fear, I gon rename she birthday Affirmation Day.

Maybe one day, I gon find in me some of she courage, I ain’t gon quiver like coward whenever life dash two hard blows ‘pon me. I gon stand firm like she.

That, my friend, is an excerpt from a book about life with mother. You can read the book here: Big Ole Home By De Sea.

Mum watering my sister’s plants.

Life with the elderly can suddenly shift from fun to difficult. Many caregiving-offsprings have to resign from work to care full time for their dear loved ones. Sometimes, they need assistance and this, dear Reader, is where you can come in. There are just sooo many jobs in the caregiving business. I’ve even heard of entrepreneurs starting their own businesses, hiring staff to go out and do the actual, physical care. 

I must warn you, looking after the elderly requires TONS of patience and empathy. You have to be willing to listen and to know how to respond. 

And that, dear Reader, is where the training business comes in…if you can teach others how to care for the elderly, that’s your business right there.

If you’re a daughter caring for your elderly loved one, here’s a site that might help you:

All the best in everything you do. Sending light and love.

P.S. (Remember to check the MONEY tab for ideas to start your very own business.)

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