Monday, 2 September 2024

Imagine this!

Imagine this…

…a world without imagination.

What would we have?


No songs, films, clothes, jewellery; no art, bridges, towers, patios, benches in the parks, no bicycles or scooters, roller skates, skateboards…get my drift?

Look around you if you’re in a restaurant or a café, a home, bus, the subway. Anywhere indoors. Look at the roof, the windows, the floor. Every single human-made thing has come from someone’s mind, from someone’s imagination. And it’s highly likely that that mind has been fed with books.

Why then would you want to shy away from books? Books teach you about people, they show you how to observe life, how to engage your senses, thus helping your imagination to grow even livelier.

Want to give your imagination a good nudge in the right direction? Have some fun! Imagine if books could make sounds, imagine what sounds we would hear as they march into homes and schools and community centres what a tamasha, what a drama…what sounds would they make, those books?

Want to know more? Read here:

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