Monday, 19 August 2024

Home away from home.

If you could make your business place look and feel like home, what would your business be?

I would sell art, music, food. And books!! 


 Every home should have books, my friend. Every home. That is my dream. I want to see books marching, huff-puff, hurray-hurrah, into homes and community centres throughout my lovely native land…all kinds of books, story books, poetry, biographies, philosophy, history, theology, travel and thoughts. I want to see the people reading sideways, upside down, on stairways, top of arch ways, in queues, out of cue, sitting, standing, anywhere, or waiting for the bus.”

That’s right. If I wanted to create a space that felt like home, there absolutely must be books! 

Read more here: Home-Soup.

I know so many people who don’t see books as adding value to their life…or even business place. They couldn’t be more wrong. If I had a café, I’d definitely make space for books. 

Truth is, there are so many ways to make money from books…with a little bit of creativity and imagination, it can be quite successful. Check the Money section for a few ideas.

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