Monday, 18 November 2024

Hunting for treasures.

Recently, I’ve been writing about treasures all because of a book marker that I found. The book marker said: 

This led me to thinking about a list I’d written. It included: sunlight on the stream of water falling from the bathroom shower; ice tinkling in a glass of water; sea breeze. You can read it all here:

Treasure Hunting.

As usual, when I’m writing, my mind begins to link the topic with a book or a story, a song, a memory. So off I went, remembering books, and the time my mother dreamt she’d discovered a tin can of diamonds. Oh my goodness! When I think about all the things I could’ve done if I had found those diamonds!

For your reading pleasure, here it is, A tin can of diamonds.

Daydreaming about treasures led me back to asking - how could some enterprising person start a treasure hunting business? What should people hunt for? What are treasures? Could it be a hunt for honey or fruit in the wild? Could it be trips to unknown places? Or a hunt for unknown storytellers and musicians and artists? Could the treasure hunt be a game that you’ve made up?

Life is so full of possibilities!

Monday, 4 November 2024

Home. Again!

Can you guess I’m obsessed with HOME?

It’s the one place I do not take for granted. It keeps us warm (in the cold weather), shades us from the heat. It’s our shelter, our haven. When the sky opens up every barrel of water and dashes it on us, we can be cosy and dry at home, drinking soup, watching a film or reading a book, playing games.

A wonderful home can be our restaurant, our library; it’s the gathering place for friends. Home was exactly this for my siblings, cousins, friends and me. My mother baked bread every Saturday, and our family home was filled with laughter and chatter as we ate bread with butter, drank tea.

Is it any wonder than I would write books about home life? Or that I would write memories of home, again and again? It’s my dream to see every child around the world in a safe home filled with delights. Let’s celebrate those parents who have managed to give their children a loving home.

I invite you to read more here:

Home Soup.

Now, here’s a thought that I’ve shared before: what if you could run a business that has the feel of home? I can think of so many things that can be done with this space to make it cosy.